From March 17th until March 20th, Martin and Dorothé attended the 13th International Conference on Tangible, Embedded and Embodied Interaction (TEI). Along with 200 other participants, they enjoyed an exciting three-day conference and a full day of studio workshops.

Martin and Dorothé, together with Bernhard, as well as Katrin Wolf and Jens Reinhardt from the Hamburg University of Applied Sciences, organised one of those Studios. In ‘Be the Meeple‘, we explored new perspectives on traditional board games by means of a 360 degree livestream to a virtual reality head set. Practically, this means that you can take a new look on a board game from any perspective you can place the camera in – be it on the game board, inside a Jenga Tower, connected to a(nother) player’s body, et cetera. With 6 participants, we explored all these new perspectives in rounds of existing game play, after which we spent the afternoon designing and trying out new games that capitalized on these new perspectives as a game mechanic.

Thanks to the lovely weather, it was even possible to play some of the games outside. The pictures below will give you some impression of the day (thanks to Martin and Jeroen Peeters for sharing their pictures!).

We’re looking forward to TEI’20 in Sydney, Australia!

Contact: Dorothé Smit