Yara Meilinger and Jared Lerchner, two high school students, completed a 4-weeks internship at the Center for Human-Computer Interaction during July and August 2016.
They worked together with the Human-Robot Interaction Group on the topic social robots. The students were given the unique possibility to go through an entire scientific research process, including a literature survey to consolidate a research question, the development of an idea for an online survey, the setup of an online survey, and data analysis.
In their online survey the students researched how humans perceive an social robot that exhibits humorous traits. They programmed the humanoid robot NAO to work as a receptionist and greet visitors to the Center during an event. Thereby, the robot exhibited different forms of humor.
To participate in the survey, click here.
Once the data collection is finished, the students will analyze the collected data and they are expected to yield in interesting findings.