Frauenberger Portrait

Chris Frauenberger is full professor for HCI. He researches and designs interactive digital technology in a wide range of contexts with often with groups who are marginalised in mainstream innovation landscapes (e.g. autistic children, the elderly). He is committed to participatory and critical design practices and sees design as his main mode of scientific inquiry. Theoretically, he builds on new philosophical perspectives to conceptualise our increasingly entangled relationships with technology, unearthing the ethical, moral, epistemological and ontological implications for designing technological futures.

ORCID: 0000-0003-0204-881X


  • Advanced Contextual Interfaces
  • Design of Innovative Interactions
  • Ethics & Sustainability (Guest lecture)
  • HCI Lecture Series
  • Citizen Science und Partizipation

External teaching

  • Denkweisen der Informatik / Ways of Thinking in Informatics @ TU Wien
  • Informatik &Gesellschaft  @ University of Vienna


section in progress…


Univ. Prof. Christopher Frauenberger, PhD

Center for Human-Computer Interaction

University of Salzburg
Jakob-Haringer-Straße 8 / Techno 5
5020 Salzburg, Austria

Phone: +43 662 8044 4835


