Picture of Gerald S.

Gerald Stollnberger was a research fellow at the Center for Human-Computer Interaction from November 2011 until February 2017. He holds a Bachelor’s and a Master’s Degree in Applied Computer Sciences from the University of Salzburg, 2014. Gerald focused his research on adaptive multimodal interfaces for human-robot interaction tasks and was engaged in the ReMeDi project where a robotic system was designed that features medical tele-examination of patients. He is now working on retail solutions and digital innovations at SPAR Business Services – Information and Communication Services (SPAR ICS) GmbH.


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Research Activities


Master’s Thesis (2014)

[bibtex file=”stollnbergerThesis.bib” sort=firstauthor order=asc highlight=”G. Stollnberger”]


Journal and Conference Papers

[bibtex file=”http://chci:/download.php?format=BibTeX&content=author&firstName=Gerald&lastName=Stollnberger” group=year group_order=desc sort=firstauthor order=asc highlight=”G. Stollnberger”]