The FFG funded project Digital Motion is a joint effort of 4 scientific and 12 industrial partners under the lead of Salzburg Research. DiMo aims to to give people a better understanding of their physical activity by linking motion and emotion, leading to an overall new (digital) experience. In order to reach that ambitious goal, the project consortium is compound of researchers from data science, kinesiology, psychophysiology, and human computer interaction as well as leading sports industry partners.

© Salzburg Research, Fotolia, artinspiring, macrovector, Vectorovich, Matthias Enter, zelimirzarkovic
In this project we as the Center for Human-Computer Interaction focus our research on meaningful, unobtrusive ways for the real-time communication of and interaction with qualitative motion data while in locomotion with the ultimate goal to enrich the user experience rather than distracting the athlete. Furthermore we will be heavily involved in the conception, design and development of motion data demonstrators for field trials.
Digital Motion envisions to become one of Europe’s leading R&D projects in the field of Digital Sports. For the first time, DiMo facilitates the link between motion and emotion enabled through the next generation of smart sports equipment
Duration: Nov. 2019 – Okt. 2022
Project Website:
Funding: The project Digital Motion in Sports, Fitness and Well-being is funded within the context of COMET – Competence Centers for Excellent Technologies by the Austrian Ministry for Transport, Innovation and Technology (BMVIT), the Federal Ministry for Digital and Economic Affairs (BMWFW), and the federal state of Salzburg. The programme is conducted by the Austrian Research Promotion Agency (FFG).
Industrial Partners:
Scientific Partners: