“GeTVivid – Let’s do things together” aims at supporting older adults with mild impairments (e.g., restricted mobility, hearing, or vision impairments) to manage their daily activities in their (residential) home and aims at improving the quality of life, autonomy, and participation in social life. The goal of the project is to offer a useful and valuable set of AAL-related functionality and services to older adults, as well as informal and formal carers through the use of connected TV devices based on the HbbTV standard (Hybrid Broadcast Broadband Television). The GeTVivid platform on the TV and tablet 1) provides a support exchange system enabling older adults to offer/demand for support for activities of daily living to/from others, who are living in geographical closeness; 2) enables access to professional service providers like meals on wheels, shopping assistance, house-keeping, taxi, medical help or assistance, etc. and 3) offers support functions like reminders, news, weather, etc.

07/2013 – 06/2016

The project is coordinated by the Center for Human-Computer Interaction (Austria). End-user organizations are CURAVIVA Verband Heime und Institutionen from Switzerland, Verein für Menschen mit Körperbehinderung Nürnberg e.V. from Germany and EURAG from Austria. Technical partners are University of St. Gallen from Switzerland, Institut für Rundfunktechnik GmbH from Germany, Hövener & Trapp Evision GmbH from Germany, Ingenieria y Soluciones Informaticas del Sur, S.L. from Spain and the Computer Science Department of the University of Salzburg, Austria.

AAL Joint Programme (Ref. AAL-2012-5-200) and the National Authorities and R&D programs in Austria, Germany, Spain, and Switzerland.
