The Center teaches HCI-related courses at…


Master in Human-Computer Interaction

Joint Programme between University of Salzburg and Fachhochschule Salzburg

This interdisciplinary degree programme combines principles from computer science, design and psychology and is dedicated to understanding the evolving relationship between people and interactive systems. The programme prepares future experts to ideate, design, implement and evaluate novel interfaces and innovative forms of interaction that better respond to the needs of users. Topics include HCI theory, methodology and prototyping, human factors & user experience engineering, interaction design & digital innovation, contextual interfaces, HCI innovations & future technologies and their application in research and industry.



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Courses & Lectures at University of Salzburg

The Center for Human-Computer Interaction teaches several courses and lectures at the department of Computer Sciences and the department of Communication Sciences within the University of Salzburg.

Department of Computer Science

HCI courses as part of the Computer Science Bachelor Program
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HCI courses as part of the Computer Science Masters Program
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PhD Lectures
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Department of Communication Science

HCI course as part of the Communication Science Bachelor Program
UV Digitale Interaktion und Kommunikation: Mensch-Maschine Interaktion

Department of XXX

Joint Bachelor between XX
–> DIG Bachelor