We are happy to announce that we have subnetAIRs 2017. Thank you very much for the many applications we have received for 2017. We are very excited about the continuously increasing quality and internationalisation. It is a pity that we only have three slots. So it is a pleasure to announce that the city of Salzburg will enable us  to offer an extra slot for December 2017, more soon.

The subnetAIR jury has chosen three projects from different fields of material art research that fulfill our expectations of playful exploration. Each future resident represents an understanding of material in its very own different form.

One sophisticated look at bioengineering and performance: Lucie Strecker
One eerie wearable approach to the fields of the uncanny valley: Young Suk Lee
And one acoustic exploration of the relation between bodies and instruments: Anthony Rayzhekov

Source: subnetAIR: Artists 2017 » subnet

MediaART Residency & Grant: Danny Bracken

From the subnet.AIR Jury decision:

With his convincing portfolio Danny Bracken demonstrates an innovative approach to digital media  and a playful use of materials in his space-encompassing installations. His application has therefore been able to stand out amongst the other strong applications. Bracken’s project is also in line with the Material.Research.Art – focus of subnetAIR and promises a fruitful collaboration with the Center for Human-Computer Interaction.
The MediaART Residency & Grant is a one-month project development scholarship for artists from the field of media art and experimental media.
MediaART Residency & Grant is a cooperation between the Artist-in-Residence-Programm der Stadt Salzburg and subnet

Source: subnet » mediaART: Jury decision

Contact: Martin Murer