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We are happy to host the artist in residence program subnetAIR at the Center since spring 2016. This program is curated by subnet, a renowned platform for media art and experimental technology, supporting artistic and cultural discourse with and about digital technology and its societal relevance.

subnetAIR provides international artists an opportunity to spend four to six weeks in Salzburg to develop an artistic project in the realm of physical computing, hardware-hacking and tinkering. subnetAIR provides curation, budget, and experience in media projects as well as an established network in the local artistic community. Starting with the 2016 residents, we have joined forces with subnetAIR and provide the artists with a lively environment filled with technology-enthusiasts, critical thinkers, exotic human-machine interfaces and plenty of gear and space to work on projects as well as present them to audiences in the Science City.



Agnes Wojtas (PL) wurde 1982 in Frankenstein bei Breslau in Polen geboren. Nach der Vollendung ihrer Hochschulreife studierte sie Psychologie, Sozialkunde und Polonistik an der Pädagogischen Universität, sowie an der Jagiellonen-Universiät in Krakau. Nach ihrem Abschluss ging sie nach Braunschweig, wo sie an der HBK die Freien Künste unter anderem bei Bogomir Eckes, Monika Grzymala und Ulrich Eller studierte und 2017 als Meisterschülerin von Ulrich Eller in „experimenteller Zeichnung und Klang“ ihr Diplom abschloss.
April/May 2020

Nora Jacobs (AT)  works among other things as an actress, performer and video artist. In her works she deals with the theme of the border. Nora Jacobs does not think of the border as a dividing line, but as a three-dimensional space, an intermediate space in which anything is possible. An utopia is created. The in-between is empowered and withdraws its meaning from the border until it destroys itself. Space is created for something new.
Gender, curtains, opposites, places that unite beginning and end in themselves at the same time, the foreign and familiar in recurring interdependencies – previously marking a boundary – become obsolete and dissolve. These terms are part of a social construct with which she dealt in her works and which she tries to question and challenge.
May 2020

Chun Shao (CN) studied Fine Arts at the Academy of Art in Hangzhou in China and graduated from the School of Art Institute of Chicago in the Performance Department. In 2019, she received her PhD in Philosophy from the University of Washington at the Center for Digital Arts and Experimental Media. From 2014 to 2018, Chun Shao taught at the University of Washington in Seattle, along with numerous exhibitions, awards, and residencies. In 2019 she worked as FeralAIR at the Schmiede in Hallein and will return to Salzburg in 2020 as subnetAIR.
June/July 2020

Katsuki Nogami (JP) was born in 1992 in JAPAN. Katsuki was participant at Olafur Eliasson’s Institut für Raumexperimente in Berlin Art University and was a researcher of Topological Media Lab at Concordia university. He graduated from Musashino Art University in 2015. His work were shown at FILE and  WRO , Scopitone, International image festival spain, Ars Electronica, Sapporo international art festival and Roppongi Art night.
September/October 2020


Silvia Rosani and Tom Jacques  for their promising project aiming to build and extend a musical instrument beyond its own body and furthermore explore its sonic and spatial sound properties.
April 13. till May 13.

Vera Sebert  convinced us with her proposal to explore a dynamic environment where she will expand the concept of a room through virtual imagery, sound and language. We are curious to see how she will extend the idea of interactive projection by means of language.
May 15. – July 15.

Michaela Schwentner
In her artworks, Michaela Schwentner addresses the “Film” apparatus: she is the proud owner of 200 DVDs and a hard disk with cinematic treasures. This is Michaela Schwentner’s “toolbox” from which she uses excerpts: Film scenes from the author’s cinema of the 1960s / 70s and 80s are alienated, or recreated with actresses and then photographed. Using old film material, she creates new scenes which she likes to relate to literary works or photographic material.
September 16. –  Oktober 14.  2019

Mac Krebernik brings us a unique perspective of conventional and unconventional uses of contemporary and everyday technology, combining his professional understanding of interaction design with extraordinary approaches towards new media communication.
October 14. till November 30.



Lale Rodgarkia-Dara continues her experimental work in the field of DIY biohacking and sonification in Salzburg.

Simon Faulhaber‘s sensitive handling of the digitised environment promises aesthetic discoveries.

Georg Scherlin approaches utopian and dystopian futures with contemporary technologies and humanities theories.

Iulia Radu and Nicolò Cervello’s project imagines what fossils of our technological present could look like.



July / August

Lucie Strecker (AT)

One sophisticated look at bioengineering and performance:

Lucie Strecker, together with her collaborator Klaus Spiess, works on projects around wetware, biofacts, and new interfaces/relations to non-human (yet biological) actors.

July, 12th, 2017, 6.00 pm: Meet the artist // Lucie Strecker


June 2017

Danny Bracken (US)

The MediaART Residency & Grant is a one-month project development scholarship for artists from the field of media art and experimental media. This residency & grant is a cooperation between the Artist-in-Residence-Programm der Stadt Salzburg and subnet

June 7th, 2017, 5.00 pm: Meet the artist // Danny Bracken


May 2017

Young Suk Lee (US)

One eerie wearable approach to the fields of the uncanny valley.

“My artwork employs a variety of themes focusing on nature, ecosystems, and the connection between life forms. As human beings an inescapable part of life is our interaction with other creatures. The fundamental theme in my work concerns how ecosystems, societies, and life itself form an interconnected web where the disturbance of any part affects everything. My art work do not describe the real environment in a realistic sense. Instead, I seek to depict ecosystems and environments in a surreal manner. The depictions of these entities and environments stem from personal, subjective impressions and therefore contain highly imaginative elements.” from Young Suk Lees’s artist statement.


May 24, 2017, 5.00 pm: Meet the artist // Young Suk Lee


March 2017

Anthony Rayzhekov (BG/AT)
Antoni Raijekov is an interdisciplinary artist working in the field of music, theatre and digital arts born in Sofia, Bulgaria and currently living in Vienna, Austria. He has a master degree in theatre directing and bachelor in drama acting at the National Academy for Theater and Film Arts “K. Sarafov” (Sofia, Bulgaria).
He studied musical improvisation at the Vienna Konservatorium (Austria) and computer programming at LearningTree(London, UK) and was an IT consultant for the United Nations Office, Vienna. He is a co-founder of the vienna based New Media label THIS.PLAY, focused on interactive technologies and art, and guest lecturer in Interactive Media in the University for Applied Science, St.Pölten, Austria and Academy for Fine Arts (Digital Arts MA program) – Sofia, Bulgaria. He is a fellow at Akademie Schloss Solitude – Stuttgart, Germany and Akademie Hallein – Hallein, Austria, For his works, he obtained awards, fellowships and grants from ProHelvetia, Soros Foundation, ComputerSpace, Ministry of culture – Bulgaria, BKA – Austria, Akademie Schloss Solitude, Akademie Hallein, among others.

March 8, 2017, 7.00 pm: Meet the artist //  Anthony Rayzhekov


September / October 2016

Laura Splan (USA)
Laura Splans proposal was chosen because of an interesting mix of transdisciplinar and artistic research, which transfers data of bio-sensors to visual and haptic objects. We are looking forward to meeting an artist who combines aesthetics, handcraft and science in a progressive way.


September 7, 2016, 7.00 pm: Meet the artist // Laura Splan


Kanari Shirao (JP / DE)
Kanari Shirao combines sound art, electrical engineering, material research and programming. He transfmors it to an object based sound installation with poetic character. In his proposal he tries to turn a dead tree into a sound installation. By hollowing it out and through electrical modification – analogue to the construction of an instrument – its sonorous inside can be perceived if listening very closely. In his accomplishments and current projects Kanari Shiraos shows imaginable competences in the fields of sound art, electrical engineering and programming. His focus points out an appropriate overlap with the content alignment of the subnetAIR residency programme.


Die Welt im Kleinen – Experiment zum akustischen Effekt- from Kanari Shirao on Vimeo.

September 1, 2016, 7.30 pm: Meet the artist // Kanari Shirao


March / April 2016

Robert B. Lisek (PL)

The artist and mathematician Robert B. Lisek critically and consistently examines technology and society.In digital systems a coincidence is a hardly synthesizable element. The proposal “Deciphering Randomness” deals with the genesis and ways of coincidence. Robert B. Lisek wants to explore its relevance in social, artistic, biological and digital contexts.


March 10, 2016, 6 pm: Meet the artist // Robert B. Lisek

Contact: Martin Murer