We are co-organizing a workshop at TVX 2015:

People, Context, and Devices: Defining the New Landscape of TV Experiences

In conjunction with TVX 2015.

Modern technologies (e.g., tablet, smartphone, large public displays) remove many of the constraints that define the scope of what television is or can be, but we often define it based upon our prior TV experiences with broadcast and cable television. This one-day workshop at TVX 2015 will address design challenges and opportunities (e.g., of video streams, social TV apps, second screens) in order to consolidate existing knowledge to describe the changing landscape of TV experiences. It’s time to redefine what we think of when we say “television” and this workshop will engage participants in that process.

This workshop aims at exploring the changing landscape of the television experience. We will explore the impact of devices, context, and social interactions on users’ television watching behaviors. The day will be divided into two portions led by different organizations:

  1. Members of the University of Salzburg and KU Leuven, in collaboration with three industry practitioners, will lead a discussion about lessons learned through practice or research and best practices.
  2. Members of the YouTube User Experience team will lead an interactive working session to enumerate and characterize key facets of the developing landscape of TV experiences, culminating in the creation of a framework that will inform and foster innovation.

This workshop is for academics and professionals who have experience in TV UX. It encourages interdisciplinary discussions and aims to include researchers and practitioners in the fields of content creation, interaction design, user interface design, computer science, psychology, cognitive science, and sociology, etc. Through this two-part workshop, we aim to bring together experts to discuss lessons from previous work and articulate and challenge existing assumptions.

For further information, please visit: https://projects.icts.sbg.ac.at/tvx2015/