Do you want to ride in one of Goolgle cars?

Then you might have the chance at our CHI’16 workshop on “HCI and Autonomous Vehicles: Contextual Experience Informs Design” in in San Jose, USA, in May 2016!

On the day before the workshop participants are invited to visit together with workshop organizers Google Partnerplex and Stanford University. At Google participants will have the opportunity to explore Google’s autonomous car simulator and might have the chance to experience one of the Google Cars (if available). At Stanford participants are invited to ride in a Wizard-of-Oz autonomous vehicle.

Based on this first-hand experience we will discuss design approaches and prototype interaction system during the next day’s workshop. The outcome of this workshop will be a set of concepts, interaction sketches, and low-fidelity paper prototypes that addresses constraints and potentials of driving in an autonomous car.

The actual workshop on the next day will focus on an exploration of the design space of autonomous vehicles from a experience-based perspective. The outcome of this workshop will be a set of concepts, interaction sketches, and low-fidelity paper prototypes that address constraints and potentials of driving in an autonomous car.

The workshop is organised by Alexander and Manfred together with Dalila Szostak (Goolge, USA), Sven Krome (RMIT University, Australia), Rabindra (Robby) Ratan (Michigan State Universit, USA), Bastian Pfleging (University of Munich (LMU), Germany), Ioannis Politis (University of Glasgow, UK), Sonia Baltodano (Stanford University, USA), David Miller (Stanford University, USA), Wendy Ju (Stanford University, USA).

The call for participation, details about the workshop and the organizers can be found on the workshop website. Extended submission deadline is January 13, 2016!

Join us in San José in April 2016!