
Pre-Workshop Program

On Saturday, May 7, 2016 a pre worskhop program will take place. It takes place outside the city center of San Jose at the Computer History Museum, Googleplex and Stanford Univeristy.

CAUTION: You need to organise how to get to and from those locations on your own! There will be no organised bus or transportation service. We recommend that you either rent a car or use UBER. You can reduce costs if you self organize a van for every 5-7 people then split the charge. Be aware that this will be on your own charge.

9:45am Meeting at the front entrance of the Computer History Museum located here.

10:00am – 11:30am Guided tour through the Computer History Museum (Google car part)

11:30am – 11:45am Walk (15min)/ drive (5min) to Googleplex Visitor Center located here.

11:45am – 12:30pm Visit Googleplex

12:30pm – 1:30pm Joint lunch at Sports Page near Googleplex

1:30pm – 2pm Drive to Stanford University located here. Exactly we meet at 2pm at the “Automotive Innovation Facility” located at 473 Oak Rd, Stanford, CA 94305

2pm – 6pm Ride in Stanford’s Wizard-of-Oz autonomous vehicle / Discussions

6pm-8pm Joint dinner at the Leftbank near Stanford University

Workshop Program

On Sunday, May 8, 2016 the main workshop will take place in room LL21C at the CHI conference venue.


9am – 9:15am Welcome of participants and introdcution to workshop goals

9:15am – 9:45am Short (1 min) presentation (no slides) of each of the 22 workshop participants and the organisers (Who are you? What is your background? What do you expect from the workshop?)

9:45 – 10:30am Group Session 1: Group buliding: 6 groups with 4-5 participants; screening of data from Saturday

10:30am – 10:45am Morning Break

10:45am – 12:00am Group Session 2: Data interpretation form data from Saturday

12:00am – 1:30pm Joint Lunch

1:30pm – 3pm Group Session 3: Ideation phase, sketching/prototyping phase

3pm-3:15pm Afternoon break

3:15pm-4:45pm Group Session 4: Presentations of the concepts/prototypes created: 15 min. for each group

4:45pm-5pm Wrap up


Here are some videos that might inspire you for the workshop:

Participants’ Applications


The interaction between drivers and their cars will change significantly with the introduction of autonomous vehicles. The driver’s role will shift towards a supervisory control of their autonomous vehicle. The eventual relief from the driving task enables a complete new area of research and practice in human-computer interaction and interaction design.

In this one-day workshop, participants will explore the opportunities the design space of autonomous driving will bring to HCI researchers and designers. On the day before the workshop participants are invited to visit together with workshop organizers Google Partnerplex and Stanford University. At Google participants will have the opportunity to explore Google’s autonomous car simulator and might have the chance to experience one of the Google Cars (if available). At Stanford participants are invited to ride in a Wizard-of-Oz autonomous vehicle.

The actual workshop on the next day will focus on an exploration of the design space of autonomous vehicles from a experience-based perspective. The outcome of this workshop will be a set of concepts, interaction sketches, and low-fidelity paper prototypes that address constraints and potentials of driving in an autonomous car.

This workshop is based on the success the CHI’15 workshop with the title “Experiencing Autonomous Vehicles: Crossing the Boundaries between a Drive and a Ride.

Workshop goals

  • Understanding what it actually means to drive in an autonomous vehicle
  • Discussing potentials of a shift from a ‘joy of driving’ to a ‘joy of being driven’
  • Exploration of new forms of connectivity, entertainment, productivity, gaming as well as transportation related services
  • Envisioning novel driver and passenger interaction potentials with autonomous vehicles including handover situations between drivers and automated cars
  • Discuss the design space autonomous vehicles provide for HCI research and practice
  • Exploration of user experience factors relevant for autonomous driving such as acceptance, trust and driving fun
  • Sketching and building paper prototypes of novel user interaction approaches including natural and gaze interaction, subliminal information, and brain computer interfaces
  • Exploring application potentials (e.g., entertainment systems and games) for drivers and passengers in autonomous cars, as well as gameful and playful design approaches


The workshop is intended for HCI researchers and practitioners (e.g., designers and developers), who have developed and/or applied approaches and tools for (semi-) autonomous vehicles or a background in (public) transportation, to bring their experiences in the workshop.


Workshop candidates are invited to submit an application (2-4 pages in the CHI extended abstract format) in which they provide personal information, their experience with autonomous vehicle research, their abilities in experience and/or interaction design, as well as, a motivation statement why they want to participate in the workshop.

Please also state if you want to participate in the pre-workshop program (i.e. visiting Google Partnerplex and Stanford University one day prior to the workshop).

Submission is done via email to .


The extended deadline for submitting a contribution is January 13, 2016. In this case, notifications will be sent out by January 15th, 2016.

Selection Process

The organizers will review the submissions und decide upon acceptance.

Additional Information

Please note that at least one author of each accepted position paper must attend the workshop and that all workshop participants must register for both the workshop and for at least one day of the conference.

Workshop date: May 8, 2016


