At this year’s Alpbach Technology Symposium, Manfred Tscheligi will chair a breakout session on “Digital Futures: Design as Key to Future Digital Worlds“, which is coordinated by Martin Murer. The breakout session will be a follow-up to several previous events that the Center for HCI organised addressing the relation between design, research, and innovation (e.g., breakout sessions at the Alpbach Technology Symposium 2016 and 2011, or an expert summit in Salzburg in autumn 2015 on Rethinking Technology Innovation).

Friday, August 25, 2017 13.00 – 18.00
Hauptschule Alpbach

Digital futures: design as key to future digital worlds

The digital technologies of the future present new opportunities and challenges. We are facing critical questions of design – how do we solve problems with and for digital technologies? Engineering alone cannot answer such questions; we also need creative/scientific/artistic approaches. What will these approaches look like? What are the digital worlds of the future? What meaning can we already discern from the ongoing intensive merging of physical and digital worlds and the transgressive behaviours that appear to be connected to this?

Digitale Zukunft: Design als Schlüssel zukünftiger digitaler Welten

Zukünftige Digitaltechnologien eröffnen neue Möglichkeiten und Herausforderungen. Aus der Sicht des Menschen stehen wir dabei vor zentralen Fragen des Designs – Wie können wir Probleme mit und für digitale Technologien lösen? Engineering alleine kann solche Fragen nicht beantworten, es braucht gestalterische/wissenschaftliche/künstlerische Herangehensweisen. Was macht diese Herangehensweisen aus? Welche Kompetenzen braucht es, um mit Ungewissheiten umgehen zu können? Was sind digitale Welten der Zukunft? Was bedeuten die intensive Vermischung von physischen und digitalen Welten und die diesbezüglichen Grenzübertritte?



Wilfried Haslauer, Landeshauptmann Land Salzburg



Manfred Tscheligi, Professor of Human-Computer Interaction, Center for Human-Computer Interaction, University of Salzburg; Head, Center for Technology Experience, AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH, Vienna



Laura Devendorf, Assistant Professor, ATLAS Institute, University of Colorado, Boulder (CO)

">Lone Koefoed Hansen, Associate Professor in Digital Design and Aesthetics, School of Communication and Culture, Aarhus University, Aarhus

Head of Management Innovation, SIGMATEK Group, Lamprechtshausen and CEO SIGMATEK Automation Co Ltd. Ningbo/China

Hilmar Linder, Head of Degree Programme MultiMediaTechnology, Salzburg University of Applied Sciences, Puch bei Hallein

Petra Sundström, Director Idea and Innovation Management, Husqvarna Group, Stockholm

Andrea Wald, Programme Manager for Arts-Based Research, FWF – Austrian Science Fund, Vienna



Martin Murer, Senior Scientist, Center for Human-Computer Interaction, University of Salzburg

Contact: Martin Murer