The Project

In recent months and years, there have been many cases where AI systems were heavily criticized leading to weakened trust in artificial intelligence. Cases involving collection of huge amounts of personal data, discriminatory (biased) algorithms and AI-Systems which influenced voters’ choices. Such phenomenons have been happening worldwide, including Austria.

As Artificial Intelligence is getting quickly involved in more and more sectors, this project aims to encourage and promote fairness and trust in AI through participatory (design) formats.

Ethics and AI

We believe that AI has the potential to revolutionize many sectors. For example health care, by means of humanitarian distribution of goods, early infection detection and more.  Thus we deem it is critical, to include ethics as an integral part of Artificial Intelligence.

Research towards fair AI

One of our goals within dAIalog is to understand which effect ethical/unethical decisions made by AI can have. For this we want to develop tools and create a manual for fair AI, by compiling and generating information about it. We want to identify user groups and network the relevant actors and stakeholders through developing and carrying out participatory workshop formats.


Duration: 04/2020 – 03/2021

Funding: The project is financed by the FFG and has emerged from the Ideas Lab 4.0 call.

Link to project-website:



We want to examine the topic of fair AI with many different actors, ranging from computer scientists to philosophers in order to cover the broadest spectrum possible.

So we gathered up with people from different relevant organizations and companies based in Austria.

Logo IFZ
Logo Joanneum Research
Logo Uni Wien
Logo FFG



