The goal of the ReMeDi project is to design a tele-robotic medical device that enables doctors to examine patients over long distances. For that, the ReMeDi project partners build a tele-operated medical robot. With this robot, doctors will be capable to perform a remote physical examination. Specifically, the ReMeDi project targets two of the most widespread examination techniques: palpation (i.e., the doctor presses the patient’s stomach to observe any stiffnesses of the internal organs and the patient’s feedback about discomfort and pain) and ultrasonographic examination.
A successful medical treatment of patients often depends on a timely and correct diagnosis. However, the availability of doctors of various specializations is sometimes limited, especially in provincial hospitals or after regular working hours. Medical services that are performed remotely are emerging, yet current solutions are limited to merely teleconferencing. For a correct diagnosis, doctors need more information about the patient, especially those provided by a physical examination. The ReMeDi remote medical robot will be a tool for doctors to remotely execute this pysical examination.
- University of the West of England (Bristol, UK)
- Technische Universität München (Munich, Germany)
- ACCREA Engineering (Lublin, Poland)
- Medical University of Lublin (Lublin, Poland)
- Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna (Pisa, Italy)
- Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule Zürich (Zurich, Switzerland)
- Wroclaw University of Technology (Wroclaw, Poland)
ReMeDi receives funding from the European Union under grant agreement n° 610902.