The Human Computer Interaction Group (TU Wien) and the Center for Human-Computer Interaction (University of Salzburg) have cordially invited PhD students and more senior HCI researchers for a one-day HCI Networking Event in Vienna. The event took place on the 23rd of March, 2018 and was co-funded by and took place at the Austrian Computer Society (OCG).

First and foremost, we would like to thank all participants for their participation and the valuable discussions we had. Overall, 13 PhD students and 13 senior researchers participated at the event covering Salzburg, Vienna, Graz, Linz, Klagenfurt, Innsbruck and St.Pölten. As agreed during the event, it is planned to organise this event annually by different Austrian HCI institutions to establish a strong Austrian HCI community and to provide a platform for peers (i.e., PhDs and seniors) to discuss, exchange, and share. We are happy to continue to draw the Austrian HCI Landscape!
Second, we would like to thank the Austrian Computer Society (OCG) for their funding and providing us with the wonderful facilities for the event.


The day started with brief introductions of all participants and 2min. pitches of PhD topics by PhD students.


One-to-One Meeting slots with PhDs and Seniors to discuss about their thesis work and to get valuable feedback from senior HCI researchers. After 15 min. PhD students had to switch to another senior.

©Alina Krischkowsky©Alina Krischkowsky©Alina Krischkowsky©Alina Krischkowsky©Alina Krischkowsky ©Alina Krischkowsky

Four themes (i.e., publications, fundings/projects, time balance, and teaching) were prepared in advance by seniors from the Center for Human-Computer Interaction and the Human Computer Interaction group. In mixed groups of seniors and PhDs, discussions related to the themes happened and were afterwards presented to the entire group.

©Alina Krischkowsky ©Alina Krischkowsky

©Alina Krischkowsky ©Alina Krischkowsky

©Alina Krischkowsky ©Alina Krischkowsky


The event centers around discussions of PhD students’ ongoing research in the realm of Human-Computer Interaction (HCI), Interaction Design, and related fields by connecting students. During this one-day event, PhD scholars have the opportunity to discuss their research with peers but also be guided by and receive feedback from senior HCI researchers. It is meant to be a starting point for potential future activities with the goal to foster a strong Austrian HCI community, as well as providing a platform for Austrian HCI scholars to get in contact, exchange ideas and potentially establish future cooperations. The event aims to provide a forum for concentrated interdisciplinary discussions of young scholar’s ongoing PhD research. Therefore, this events targets three areas:

  • It aims at establishing an exchange platform for PhD students (peer-to-peer support)
  • It aims at providing a bridge for PhD students and more senior HCI researchers
  • It aims at providing a forum to network and connect to further strengthen and/or potentially establish new academic cooperations in Austria


There is a mailing list including all registered participants of the event. In case you also want to join this mailing list, please go to

PhD students have agreed to have a slack channel for further peer-to-peer communication. In case you are a PhD student and want to joint us on slack as well, please contact


The program for the event was as follows:

09:30-10:00 Informal Get-Together with Coffee and Cake
10:00-11:00 Welcome
– Brief introductions of all participants
– 2 min. pitches of PhD topics by PhD Students
11:00-12:30 One-to-One Meeting Slots
PhDs with Seniors in 15 min. slots
12:30-13:30 Lunch
13:30-15:00 Peer Support and Senior Networking [in parallel]
Peer Support
– Small groups discussing about certain issues and/or questions related to their thesis
–  Seniors may be invited to that discussions as see fit
Senior Networking
– Can be used as see fit (e.g., individual meet-ups)
15:00-15:30 Coffee Break
15:30-16:30 4 Themes / 4 Tables
– Discussion of relevant topics in HCI research (e.g., time-management, funding/projects, publications, collaboration with multiple partners)
– Themes will be prepared in advance by senior researchers from the Human Computer Interaction Group (TU Wien) and the Center for Human-Computer Interaction (University of Salzburg) to have a structured discussion format
Discussion of Outcome and Closing
17:30 – open Dinner at Glacis Beisl 
Please beware that we unfortunately cannot cover costs for dinner.


For any questions, please contact: Katta Spiel (TU Wien) and Alina Krischkowsky (University of Salzburg)