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What will the showroom of the future look like? Is it possible to optimize the car buying experience and its processes by digital means? Launched earlier this year, and running until the end of 2017, the research cooperation Automotive Retail Lab is to answer these and other questions. The interdisciplinary research team led by Prof. Dr. Manfred Tscheligi, consists of research assistants from the Center for Human-Computer Interaction and from the Department Chemistry and Physics of Materials, given support by qualified people from Porsche Holding Salzburg. Research focus is put on two topics: First all fields where there is customer contact will be analysed, and potentials will be identified. Second there will be studies on how to support Porsche Holding sales and service teams best with interactive tools such as Tablet PCs. Three Porsche Inter Auto dealer locations will participate in this test project. Form the scientific perspective of the project, the context automotive retail is exceptional as it requires to design for blended interactions between the digital and the analog world.


  • Ambient Interfaces
  • Robotic Shopping Assistants
  • Retail Behaviour Research
  • Future Customers
  • Dislocated Retail
  • Special User Groups
  • Collaboration Interfaces


Universität Salzburg, Center for Human-Computer Interaction

The Center for Human-Computer Interaction was initially established as research unit at the former ICT&S Center (within the Department of Computer Sciences). In 2016, it became a special Division at Salzburg University with currently 40 researchers, also pursuing manifold cooperation with industry. The Center’s interdisciplinary team consists of researchers from different Departments such as Computer Sciences, Psychology, Sociology, Educational Science, Design and Multimedia.

Universität Salzburg, Department Chemistry and Physics of Materials

Technologies that address current global challenges rely heavily on materials development. Improving today’s materials as well as designing the next generation of materials requires profound knowledge and skills in the natural sciences. The Department of Chemistry and Physics of Materials capitalizes on its interdisciplinary access which involves the disciplines chemistry, physics, materials science and mineralogy and which addresses the design and development of inorganic materials, nanomaterials and hybrids as well as functional interfaces derived therefrom.

Porsche Holding Salzburg

Porsche Holding Salzburg is Europe’s largest and most successful automotive retail company. The Salzburg-based company was founded in 1949 and now operates in 22 countries in Western and South-East Europe, as well as in China, Colombia and Chile. Since 1 March 2011 Porsche Holding Salzburg has been a wholly-owned subsidiary of Volkswagen AG.


Automotive Retail Lab Project Team (Martin Murer, Julia Schwaiger, Thomas Soboll, Manfred Tscheligi) © Porsche Holding Salzburg, Marc Haader


Julia Schwaiger, Porsche Inter Auto GmbH & CO KG
Manfred Tscheligi, Center for Human-Computer Interaction, Universität Salzburg

Core Team

Leo Fellinger, Porsche Austria Gmbh & Co OG
Verena Fuchsberger, Center for Human-Computer Interaction, Universität Salzburg
Nicola Hüsing, Fachbereich Chemie und Physik der Materialien, Universität Salzburg
Alexander Meschtscherjakov, Center for Human-Computer Interaction, Universität Salzburg
Martin Murer, Center for Human-Computer Interaction, Universität Salzburg
Thomas Soboll, Porsche Informatik GmbH


Automotive Retail Lab
c/o Center for HCI
Universität Salzburg
Jakob-Haringer-Straße 8 / Techno 5
5020 Salzburg


Universität Salzburg LogoPorsche Holding Salzburg Logo