
The rise of autonomous and fully autonomous vehicles requires a closer examination of how people will interact with them. In this one-day workshop, to be held on September 4, 2017, we especially address two areas:

  1. What can we learn from mobile HCI for the interaction design between human drivers and the autonomous vehicle?
  2. What opportunities for mobile HCI arise due to new freedoms for drivers, when they also take on the role of passengers in autonomous vehicles?

The workshop seeks to further develop the challenges involved and/or to suggest early solutions through the use of a highly participative format.


Google’s driverless car and the announcement of Uber using self-driving cars to transport people  along with other approaches and vendors will have a significant impact on people’s mobility behavior, on how people interact with autonomous vehicles, and what users will do while riding in such autonomous cars. This will lead to a number of challenges and questions, which need to be addressed and explored. This workshop will focus on the following goals:

  • Discuss best practices and patterns for mobile design and how they can be applied to the design of autonomous vehicles;
  • Envisioning new interaction opportunities for the driver to communicate with the automated vehicle (and vice versa);
  • Explore new designs for hand-over, interruptions and (shared) control situations in mobile HCI and autonomous driving and discuss their practicability in the respective domains;
  • Explore engineering issues related to safety, reliability and security properties, as well as certification aspects;
  • Exploration of UX factors such as fun, acceptance and (over)trust;
  • The evolution from car a tool to car as a companion and what can be learnt from HRI;
  • Examination of situational awareness issues from the perspective of the car and the human;
  • Discuss ethics-related questions.


The workshop is intended for mobile HCI, AutomotiveUI, and HRI researchers and practitioners, designers and developers. Workshop candidates have to submit a position paper (up to 4 pages in the CHI extended abstract format) to .

Important Dates

Position Paper Deadline: 19 May 2017
Submission date extended to 26 May 2017
Position Paper Notification: 9 June 2017
Workshop Day: 4 September 2017

Selection Process

Contributions will be selected based on their contribution to the workshop topics. The organizers will review the submissions und decide upon acceptance.


Accepted contributions are:

At the workshop participants will be introduced to the workshop goals, which will then be followed by two sessions containing paper presentations. Each paper will be limited to 15 minutes including Q&A.

The second half of the workshop will be dedicated to one-on-one conversations and group work. There will be a “speed dating” phase in which workshop participants will have the time to talk to each other. This phase will last for 90 minutes. Each couple will have 15 minutes to discuss workshop related questions.

After that, couples will be changed. A “Deep Dive” workshop phase will take place where the workshop group as a whole will propose at most two topics to be discussed. These will then be developed further in smaller groups with the objective of proposing solutions or identifying further challenges.

Reports from groups will be presented in a plenary session. Particular emphasis will be placed on using group discussion formats which encourage collaboration and problem solving, e.g. such as those used by IDEO in their Deep Dive methodology.



Questions, comments, position papers or links to video submissions should be sent to .