
This one-day workshop aims to take a critical stance towards designs for connecting or un-connecting individuals, who are geographically separated, ranging from family members and friends to work colleagues. We would like to discuss and materialise various aspects of remote relations (such as spatial conditions or the evanescence of being connected and respective ephemeral designs), a topic that became more than significant in the past few weeks during the COVID-19 crisis.

We invite interested participants to share and discuss their experiences with us and to engage with the workshop topic hands-on through conceptualizing and (remotely) prototyping material artifacts as manifestations of distance, ephemerality, etc. We will also explicitly thematize the COVID-19 crisis through reflecting on current experiences of (un-)connecting and through a practical design exercise over distance during the workshop.

Key dimensions guiding the workshop:

  • Temporal dimensions of (un-)connectedness: The evanescence of relationships that affects individuals’ daily life, social interactions, process of ageing, etc.

  • Spatial dimensions of (un-)connectedness: Physical spaces that are not shared remotely or remain unknown to the other, etc.

  • Material dimensions of (un-)connectedness: Lacking shared material qualities in form of physical, tangible objects, or in form of the other human body (e.g., while hugging), etc.


Please submit your expression of interest for participation here, by briefly telling us about an experience, an anecdote or a design that relates to the workshop themes. It may be based on a personal encounter, an empirical fact, a (critical) design, a successful or failed technology, or something else. The deadline for the expression of interest is June 30th.

Important Dates

  • Deadline for Expression of Interest from Participants: June 30, 2020
  • Online Workshop in the context of DIS 2020: July 7, 2020 — 10:00-16:00

Envisioned program

Morning session

10:00-12:00: More details coming soon!

Afternoon session:

14:00-16:00: More details coming soon!
