Call for Participation

The Workshop on Workshop on Ethical Challenges in Mobility Automation is a one-day on-site workshop at CHI 2023 in Hamburg.

The goals of the workshop are to scope out an agenda to address research and development efforts related to ethics within CHI and related communities, always with a focus on what and how user interfaces can contribute. These are expected to comprise, among others:

  • Overall delineation of the actual scope of where ethical aspects intersect with vehicle automation technology
  • Visibility of decisions and planned outcomes of vehicle manoeuvres and actions
  • Interfaces to visualize moral components of situations and related decisions to act
  • Cultural differences between different nationalities (and potentially between subgroups within nationalities)
  • Regulatory differences between different countries or jurisdictions %nationalities (and potentially between regions within nationalities)

How to Participate

Workshop candidates are invited to submit a short application (no longer than 2 paragraphs submitted via email to the organisers) in which they provide, in the first paragraph, information on their background and how they relate their professional experience to the workshop topic.

In the second paragraph, provide a short statement on which ethical, regulatory, and/or socio-cultural concerns are most important together with a motivation statement why they want to participate in the workshop including questions the want to discuss during the workshop.

Workshop applications will be published at the workshop website on a voluntary basis.

The workshop is restricted to approx. 20 participants. Applications will be selected by workshop chairs. We aspire to compose a diverse group of participants with different backgrounds and complementary skills.

The author of an accepted application must attend the workshop and register for both the workshop and for at least one day of the conference.

Important Dates

  • Format: on-site (if Covid regulation apply, a hybrid setting will be made)
  • Workshop participation application deadline: February 23, 2023
  • Feedback to applicants: March 12, 2023
  • Workshop at CHI2023: April 23, 2023


