At IDC 2015, Christiane Moser presented work from the Center for Human-Computer Interaction. IDC 2015 took place in Boston, USA, from June 21st to 24th, and attracted around 150 attendees from all over the world.
Christiane Moser presented a short paper as poster on “Physics-based Gaming: Exploring Touch vs. Mid-Air Gesture Input” that was co-authored by Manfred Tscheligi. In a user study with 20 children aged 11 to 14 years, they investigated the differences in player experience when playing Cut the Rope on the tablet with touch gestures and on the computer with mid-air gestures using a Leap Motion. The quantitative data from the questionnaire revealed no substantial differences regarding the player experience, which might be due to the novelty effect of the Leap Motion mid-air gestures. However, the observations indicated several problems of accuracy and orientation when playing the game with mid-air gestures. This is due to the lack of hardware-based physical feedback when interacting with the Leap Motion and results in a different affordance that has to be considered in future physics-based game design using mid-air gestures.