As part of this year’s Alpbach Technology Symposium, Manfred Tscheligi will chair a breakout session on “(Why) Do we need art to innovate?“ which is coordinated by Alina Krischkowsky. This breakout session will be a follow-up to several previous events that the Center for HCI organized addressing the relation between art, design, research, and innovation (e.g., previous breakout sessions at the Alpbach Technology Symposium in 2017, 2016 and 2011). It also perfectly colludes with the activities of Studio 3, that part of the Center for HCI, where human-computer interaction and art-based research intermingle in new ways.

This year’s format of the breakout session will be a bit different to previous years; next to exciting impulse talks by the panelists, we will also have a lecture performance and a more workshop-like setup where participants and panelists collaboratively shape strategies for art-based innovation in industries. 

Friday, August 23, 2019 // 01.00 p.m. – 05.45 p.m.
Hauptschule Alpbach

(Why) Do We need Art to Innovate?
Innovation can be made by finding purpose in accident. Art is not defined by purpose, allowing the unexpected to evolve. Artistic exploration, therefore, allows us to peek into possible technological futures. In-depth collaborations between technologists and artists have proven to be a valuable source of innovation.But what risks are technology-oriented industries willing to take? Based on best practices represented by the panelists, participants will collaboratively shape strategies for art-based innovation that are applicable to different sectors and sizes of industries.

(Warum) Braucht es Kunst zur Innovation?
Innovation passiert, wenn aus Zufall Nutzen wird. Kunst ist ein Raum, der nicht vom Nutzen bestimmt wird und wo Zufall Platz hat. Experimentelle Künste können daher technologische Zukunftsszenarien greifbar machen; eine intensive Zusammenarbeit zwischen Technologie-ExpertInnen und KünstlerInnen kann Innovation stiften. Welche Risiken sind Technologie-Unternehmen bereit, diesbezüglich einzugehen? Ausgehend von erprobten Modellen kunst-basierter Innovation werden gemeinsam Strategien für andere Sektoren und Unternehmensgrößen entwickelt.



Andrea Klambauer, Salzburger Landesregierung


Manfred Tscheligi, Professor of Human-Computer Interaction, Center for Human-Computer Interaction, University of Salzburg; Head, Center for Technology Experience, AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH, Vienna


Elisabeth Gutjahr, Rector of the University Mozarteum Salzburg, Salzburg

Antoni Rayzhekov
Guest lecturer in Experimental Media, University of Applied Sciences, St. Pölten, Austria
Guest lecturer in Performative Media (Digital Arts MA), National Academy of Fine Arts, Sofia, Bulgaria

Noah Weinstein
Creative Program Director & Consultant, Founder of Autodesk’s Pier 9 Workshop and Residency Programs, Oakland

Michael Hackl
Product Owner, Scinteco GmbH, Strategic Development, Schmiede Hallein, Wien

Claudia Schnugg
ArtScience Consultant, Independent Researcher and Curator, Wels


Alina Krischkowsky, Postdoc, Center for Human-Computer Interaction, University of Salzburg