Studio 3 [Studio Drey] is the part of the Center where Human-Computer Interaction, art-based research and design-based research meet and mash-up in surprising ways. Although the main focus still lies with humans and technology, Studio 3 is more than an lab space for researchers. Here, we host artist in our atelier, invite speakers from countless disciplines on our stage, draw on our whiteboard tables and walls, and generally build everything that sounds like a good idea.

Studio 3 Facilities

Making facilitates understanding, facilitates team work, facilitates better and more suitable solutions to real world challenges. In Studio 3, we think by doing – and sometimes we just do. Whether that’s the experiential prototypes we build in our research practices, the bike racks, plant-watering-systems or rocking chairs we construct to make our lives easier, or any of the countless side projects that are continuously going on, in Studio 3, we start from the maker’s perspective. To support us in this goal, Studio 3 hosts a nicely-equipped workshop with wood-working and electronics tools alongside all of the base material you could wish for, as well as some nifty rapid prototyping tools.

Studio 3 Activities

We like to break out of the comforts of our familiar research setting to explore new and unexpected perspectives. We do this by both inviting those perspectives into our Center – our collaboration with subnetAIR is a good example of this – or by going out of our way to find them – for example at Schmiede.

digital spring | media art festival

Studio 3 is one of the co-hosts of the biennial media art festival Digital Spring, an initiative by ARGEkultur Salzburg and subnet in cooperation with the Center for HCI, Salzburger Kunstverein, and FS1 – Freies Fernsehen Salzburg. In 2018, we were also involved.


Schmiede is a collaborative, experimental art and technology, festival-hackathon-hybrid. With around 300 people participating annually, Schmiede hosts smiths from all over the world with all kinds of backgrounds: visual arts, sound design, programming, performance arts, sculpture, installation design – just to name a few. Every year in September, the smiths convene for ten days in The Saline on the Pernerinsel of Hallein, Austria, with the goal to create, network and present. Every year, the Center for Human-Computer Interaction brings Studio 3 to Schmiede in the form of a lab.


Since spring 2016, Studio 3 has happily collaborated with subnet, now hosting both the subnetTALKs and subnetAIR Artist in Residency program on our stage and in our atelier. subnet is a household name in Salzburg, providing a platform for media arts and experimental technology by inviting speakers and artists from all over the world to share their expertise. Studio 3 provides a space and infrastructure for subnet speakers and artists, and supports them with know-how and enthusiastic curiosity with regards to their ideas and projects.

Extra activities

All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy – so we like to take time in Studio 3 to do things that do not directly relate to our research activities. We work on personal projects, like bicycles, DIY-games, birthday gifts and many more. We organise workshops amongst ourselves to share in-center expertise, but also invite like-minded people from the outside world to share some of their brilliance with us. And lastly, but definitely not least, we love using the space we have for social activities (for example, our already legendary Game Night)!

Studio 3 is happy to host, support and organise all of these activities (and more!) with a characteristically collaborative nature in a low-threshold, creative and involved environment.


Universität Salzburg
Center for Human-Computer Interaction
Jakob-Haringer-Straße 8 / Techno 5
5020 Salzburg

To access Studio 3 directly, take the side entrance of Techno 5, Jakob-Haringer-Straße 8: walk down to the parking lot, where the first door to your right opens to a long hallway that leads to Studio 3.

Contact: Martin Murer



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