In joining forces among research and industry, this project aims to investigate new symbiotic relationships between Human-Computer Interaction and architecture. Throughout this project we join the planning and construction of several kindergartens in the federal state of Salzburg in order to weave HCI and designerly thinking into those new built environments. By means of constructive design research and participatory approaches, we create hybrid spaces for kindergarteners that allow for playful interactions with the physical and digital alike. Reflecting on those deeply contextualised designs, we explore how HCI thinking can be better integrated with architectural building processes.

HIVE is a joint project among the research partners Center for HCI and the Institute for Ecomedicine (Paracelsus Medical University) as well as the industry partners Salzburg Wohnbau GmbH, Salzburg AG, Strabag, and Schlotterer Sonnenschutzsysteme GmbH. Further stakeholders that are heavily supporting the project are several kindergartens around Salzburg and other stakeholders including the architects and construction companies creating those kindergartens.

Duration: 2020 – 2022

Funding: Land Salzburg (WISS 2025)

Land Salzburg
