From February 27th until March 3rd, 2016, Alina und Nicole attended the 19th ACM Conference on Computer-Supported Cooperative Work & Social Computing in San Francisco, CA, USA. Besides us and around 700 other conference attendees, a couple of remote telepresence robots attended the entire conference and were great conversation partners during breaks.

Together with Michael Muller (IBM Research), Katja Neureiter (Center for HCI), Nervo Verdezoto (Aarhus University),  Anna Maria Al Zubaidi-Polli (University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria), and Manfred Tscheligi (Center for HCI), Alina organized a one-day workshop on „Collaborative Appropriation: How Couples, Teams, Groups, and Communities Adapt and Adopt Technologies“. This workshop was organized as a follow-up on our previous collaborations at ECSCW’15.

On-site, Michael, Nervo, and Alina engaged in interesting discussions with the workshop participants about methods to study collaborative appropriation as well as conceptualizations and understandings of collaborative appropriation. Further, they reflected on stakeholders’ involvement when researching technology appropriation that is collectively accomplished by couples, teams, groups, or entire communities. Nicole contributed to this workshop with relevant cases of collaborative appropriation from her field and lab research in the automotive domain.

Furthermore, Nicole was part of the CSCW Doctoral Colloquium and had the opportunity to discuss her PhD topic on “Safety through Collaboration: A New Challenge for Automotive Designs” with experienced CSCW researchers, practitioners, and other PhD students. Thereby, she received valuable and constructive feedback to further advance her research. As part of the Doctoral Colloquium, she also presented her research in the poster session to the wider community.

We look very much forward to CSCW’17 – wherever it will be!