The Center for Human-Computer Interaction is part of a consortium in the Horizon2020 project HADRIAN. In this project we are dealing with the question how the interaction of drivers in semi-automated vehicles can be made safe.

The HADRIAN project (short for Holistic Approach for Driver Role Integration and Automation Allocation for European Mobility) is a project funded by the European Union. It involves 16 partners from science and industry from 9 countries (Austria, Germany, Spain, Greece, France, Slovenia, Netherlands, Turkey, Great Britain). Project partners include Virtual Vehicles, Ford, ASFINAG and universities from Athens, Granada, Surrey and Delft. The project started in December 2019 and has a duration of 42 months.

Highly automated driving promises more safety together with a multitude of previously unimagined possibilities, such as less stress and more meaningful activities while driving. However, the introduction and implementation of automated driving has so far fallen short of these promises. This is partly due to the fact that there is not yet sufficient research on how drivers interact with automated vehicles. Unanswered questions include:

  • How long may a transfer of the driving task between vehicle and human being take?
  • What role does socio-demographic data play in this?
  • What role does the context play (e.g. weather, type of road, traffic conditions)?
  • Which modalities should be used to ensure a safe handover?
  • How do you guarantee that drivers are informed about which tasks have to be taken over and when?

These and similar questions will be investigated by Associate Professor Dr. Alexander Meschtscherjakov and his team at the Center for HCI. Proposed solutions and user interfaces for so-called “fluid interfaces” are being developed. Following a user-centered approach, the designs are first tested in the driving simulator at the Center for HCI and finally examined while driving. Field demonstrations will be performed using the full range of passenger cars and trucks.

The overall goal of the project is to come closer to the “Vison Zero” (no traffic fatalities) of the European Union.

Duration: 12/2019 – 05/2024

Project Website:

Funding: This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 875597.



  • Virtual Vehicle Logo
  • nervtech Logo
  • tecnalia Logo
  • ASFiNAG Logo
  • Ford Logo
  • VDI Logo
  • RWTH Aachen Logo
  • AVL Logo
  • cea tech Logo
  • TU Delft Logo
  • Uni Surrey Logo
  • Bast Logo
  • TU Athens Logo
  • Uni Granada Logo
  • IESTA Logo
